New Managers & Supervisors for the 4IR Workplace


Equipping managers and supervisors for the 4IR Workplace

Online Workshop dates: 27-29 June 2022

Public Workshop dates:

• Randburg, Johannesburg: 16-18 May 2022
• Durbanville, Cape Town: Online 27-29 June 2022
• Durban North: Online only: Online 27-29 June 2022

Book now and save 15% on normal fees – see details below.

Is new manager and supervisor’s training still important today?
Short answer? Yes: new manager training is still important.

Some statistics suggest that in just two years, Millennials will leapfrog over Generation X to make up 50% of the workforce, and 75% of it by 2025.  They are stepping in to fill the void left by Baby Boomer managers and leadership.

This highly interactive workshop for new supervisors and new managers in the 4IR Workplace, provides a powerful step towards building management and leadership capabilities that will enable Millennials (and others) to improve performance, increase employee engagement, and minimise employee relation issues. This workshop is ideal for new managers and supervisors with less than two-three years’ experience in the workplace. This is not an advanced course.

This programme will enable delegates to manage and lead with Emotional Intelligence and learn about the cutting-edge requirements to be an exceptional manager or supervisor who can lead their teams to greater heights in the 4IR Workplace through excellent communication skills as well as conflict handling abilities.

Delegates will be empowered to manage and lead with Emotional Intelligence and learn about the innovative requirements to be an exceptional manager or supervisor who can lead their teams to greater heights in the 4IR Workplace through excellent communication skills as well as conflict handling abilities.

New managers and supervisors also need to be nurturing diversity in their teams and the 4IR Workplace and be able to identify training needs and ensure employee retention.

Delegates will learn and put into use principles, approaches, and tools that concentrate on the five disciplines of managing others within their unique organisational culture:

1. Understanding a manager’s / supervisor’s role in your organisation
2. Communicating as a manager
3. Implementing performance planning
4. Motivating and incentives
5. Prioritising, decision-making, and delegating

These five areas of the new supervisor and new manager’s training programme aim to provide delegates with the foundation in what it means to be a new leader. As managers grow and the nature of their responsibilities and challenges change, proficiency in these five disciplines will remain central to their success.

The workshop will teach the new manager and supervisor key team building and resilience skills. Goals are looked at in detail, change and anger management are dealt with in terms of effects on the brain and body and mentorship probabilities.

Course Fee:

Normal Fee: R6,900.00 (R7,935.00 incl. 15% VAT) per delegate.

Early bird fee for online or public sessions less 15% (R1,035,00) = R5,865.00 (R6,744.75 incl. VAT) per delegate for all NEW registrations received and paid by 14 April 2022.

For in-house group bookings, a registration form, or any other enquiries, please e-mail Ronell at: or Charlotte at or contact Charlotte on 011: 902-0720 / 062 162 1640 / or Ronell on 073 291 0450.

Online: 27-29 June 2022
R6744.75 Incl.

Fee: R6,900.00 (R7,935.00 incl. VAT) p/p

Book early and get 15% off fee: R6,900.00- R1035.00=R5,865.00 (R6,744.75 incl. VAT)

All offers valid until 14 April 2022.

GAUTENG: Randburg, JHB: 16-18 May 2022
R6,744.75 Incl.

Fee: R6,900.00 (R7,935.00 incl. VAT) p/p

Book early and get 15% off fee: R6,900.00- R1,035.00=R5,865.50 (R6,744.75 incl. VAT)

All offers valid until 14 April 2022.

KZN: Durban North: Online: 27-29 June 2022
R6,744.75 Incl.

Fee: R6,900.00 (R7,935.00 incl. VAT) p/p

Book early and get 15% off fee: R6,900.00- R1035.00=R5,865.00 (R6,744.75 incl. VAT)

All offers valid until 14 April 2022.

WESTERN CAPE: Cape Town: Online 27-29 June 2022
R6,744.75 Incl.

Fee: R6,900.00 (R7,935.00 incl. VAT) p/p

Book early and get 15% off fee: R6,900.00- R1035.00=R5,865.00 (R6,744.75 incl. VAT)

All offers valid until 14 April 2022.

ALL OTHER REGIONS: available on request.
R6,744.75 Incl.

Fee: R6,900.00 (R7,935.00 incl. VAT) p/p

Book early and get 15% off fee: R6,900.00- R1035.00=R5,865.00 (R6,744.75 incl. VAT)

All offers valid until 14 April 2022.

New Managers / Supervisors

Preparing managers and Sspervisors for the 4IR Workplace

Online Workshop Dates: 27-29 June 2022

Public Workshop Dates:

·        Randburg, Johannesburg: 16-18 May 2022
·        Durbanville, Cape Town: Online
·        Durban North: Online only: Online.


For in-house or group bookings, a registration form, or any other enquiries, please e-mail Ronell at: or Charlotte at or contact Charlotte on 011: 902-0720 / 062 162 1640 / or Ronell on 073 291 0450.


Is new manager and supervisor’s training still important today?

Short answer? Yes: new manager training is still important.

Some statistics suggest that in just two years, Millennials will leapfrog over Generation X to make up 50% of the workforce, and 75% of it by 2025. They are stepping in to fill the void left by Baby Boomer managers and leadership.

This highly interactive workshop for new supervisors and new managers in the 4IR Workplace, provides a powerful step towards building management and leadership capabilities that will enable Millennials (and others) to improve performance, increase employee engagement, and minimise employee relation issues. This workshop is ideal for new managers and supervisors with less than two-three years’ experience in the workplace. This is not an advanced course.

Delegates will be empowered to manage and lead with Emotional Intelligence and learn about the innovative requirements to be an exceptional manager or supervisor who can lead their teams to greater heights in the 4IR workplace through excellent communication skills as well as conflict handling abilities.

New managers and supervisors also need to be nurturing diversity in their teams and the 4IR Workplace and be able to identify training needs and ensure employee retention.

Delegates will learn and put into use principles, approaches, and tools that concentrate on the five disciplines of managing others within their unique organisational culture:

1. Understanding a manager’s / supervisor's role in your organisation
2. Communicating as a manager
3. Implementing performance planning
4. Motivating and incentives
5. Prioritising, decision-making, and delegating

These five areas of the new supervisor and new manager's training programme aim to provide delegates with the foundation in what it means to be a new leader. As managers grow and the nature of their responsibilities and challenges change, proficiency in these five disciplines will remain central to their success.

The workshop will teach the new manager and supervisor key team building and resilience skills. Goals are looked at in detail, change and anger management are dealt with in terms of effects on the brain and body and mentorship probabilities.


  • Understand different personality types and how to best manage them.
  • Know the different conflict management styles of your team.
  • Plan, prioritise, goal setting and allocate work in accordance with work unit’s business plan
  • Manage / supervise with Emotional Intelligence
  • Communication and listening methods
  • Critical thinking
  • Problem-solving and decision-making
  • Understanding of individuals within the work unit of their roles, responsibilities, and accountabilities
  • Manage interpersonal team processes to achieve required output
  • Ensure progress against plan is continuously tracked
  • How accurate progress information is gathered and reported
  • Know how progress reports are analysed, and necessary corrective action taken
  • Evaluate achievement of work unit objectives
  • Outcomes are prepared with key performance areas as identified in the work plan and results reported in the format as required.



Emotional Intelligence | Different personalities | Communication & Listening skills, Conflict Management

The 5 competencies of Emotional Intelligence:

·        Self-regulation: managing your emotions and become adaptable and innovative in stressful situations.

·        Self-awareness: what drives you and what are you passionate about.

·        Self-motivation: channel the power of your emotions towards a goal that will motivate and inspire yourself and your team in the workplace.

·        Effective relationships that will develop with social skills, successful interacting with people and becoming better communicators and negotiators.

·        Empathy: making a connection with people and being attuned to staff / customers’ needs and responses and to then act appropriately.

Different personality types and how to work with them.

Communication, Listening Skills and Conflict

·        Understand what conflict is and how to solve it.

·        How to interact with superiors, staff, and colleagues.



Critical Thinking | Planning & Time Management | Problem-Solving & Decision-making | Delegation

Critical Thinking

Critical Thinking: a very necessary skill to be successful in the new 4IR place of work we are working in today.

Critical thinking is a crucial skill in understanding how to methodically, strategically, and collaboratively, make decisions, solve problems, and foster innovation.  The higher up the ladder a position is, the more essential critical thinking becomes.

A Manager / Supervisor with critical thinking skills can develop a step-by-step process from targeting the problem to developing a solution.

Critical thinking also helps in situations in which groups have different thinking styles and need a collaborative environment created to successfully work through issues.

Planning and Time Management

  • Basic planning and organising principles and skills
  • The importance of planning, the process and reviewing the plan
  • Prioritising

Problem-solving and Decision-Making

  • Effective skills of decision making and delegation
  • Problem-solving techniques

The Secret to Successful Delegation

·        10 Rules for Successful Delegation

·        Identifying what the other party needs from you


Leadership & Team Dynamics | Coaching | Performance Appraisals | Work-life Balance: Stress and Fatigue

Leadership and Team Dynamics

  • Leadership styles and qualities necessary to lead and motivate your team as a supervisor / new manager
  • Dealing with leadership behaviour, challenges, and trust
  • Skills required to succeed as a leader
  • Critical supervisory skills and techniques
  • Self-improvement: You and your team’s dynamics
  • Identify roles, responsibilities, and accountabilities within the team
  • Team membership and team leadership
  • How to build management skills for yourself and your team

Coaching | Employee Retention | Motivation | Performance Appraisals

These topics are crucial for the new manager and supervisor and plays a very important role in overall responsibilities. The need to understand:

  • Their team’s challenges: building and coaching others by identifying and nurturing individual talents
  • Motivation fundamentals, principles, and theories and to coach less experienced team members through challenging times
  • Performance techniques: Earn their respect while measuring
  • Performance appraisals
  • The importance of planning, the process and reviewing the plan.

Work-life Balance: Stress and Fatigue

  • Identifying and effectively dealing with causes of stress and fatigue within your team.
  • Effects on the brain and body and mentorship probabilities of stress and anger management.



Normal Fee: R6,900.00 (R7,935.00 incl. 15% VAT) per delegate.

Early bird fee for online or public sessions less 15% (R1,035,00) = R5,865.00 (R6,744.75 incl. VAT) per delegate for all NEW registrations received and paid by 14 April 2022.

In-house sessions less 25% (R1,725,00) p/p = R5,175.00 (R5,951.25 incl. VAT) per delegate for all NEW registrations received and paid by 14 April 2022.

Technical requirements for online sessions: Training will be presented live via Microsoft (MS) Teams. You need to have access to either a tablet / smartphone / laptop / desktop including activated webcam, earphones, etc. Internet connection (3G or 4G / LTE) - minimum speed of 3.0 Mbps (up / down).


    Event Name:
    Please confirm if your booking is for:
    Date Of The Event:
    Fee per delegate:
    Number of delegates:

    Fee includes Certificates of Completion, tea / coffee & refreshments; lunch and session material secured parking.
    Early Bird Fee:

    FEE, please ensure that your company will be able to make payment within the time frame given for the early bird fee to be paid for this event before you register, alternatively register for normal course fee.

    Organisation and Delegate Information:

    VAT No:
    Postal Address:
    Postal Code:
    Contact Person:
    Contact Number [Cell]:
    Contact Number [Landline]:
    Fax Number:
    Name and Surname


    Delegate(s) Email Address

    Delegate(s) Mobile Number
    Name and Surname


    Delegate(s) Email Address

    Delegate(s) Mobile Number
    Name and Surname


    Delegate(s) Email Address

    Delegate(s) Mobile Number
    Name and Surname


    Delegate(s) Email Address

    Delegate(s) Mobile Number
    Event Details