Advanced Leadership for Middle Managers

Advanced Leadership for Middle Managers
Building inspired, agile, and resilient teams for excellence

ONLINE workshop dates: 29 Jul – 2 Aug 2024

Public workshop dates:
* Randburg, JHB: 21-25 Oct 2024
* Durbanville, CT: 18-22 Nov 2024

Dates for In-house sessions: available on request.
Additional costs may apply depending on your location. T&Cs apply.


Building inspired, agile, and resilient teams for excellence
There is a global demand for competent and innovative leaders and team members to resolve the major issues of economies and communities. Our goal with this programme is to address and fill this need with THINK leaders and team members, specifically trained to resolve problems and serve the greater good. Through this proven programme, we aim to teach the skills that are crucial to lead and be part of an inspired team.
This interactive 5-day programme aims to help you understand and build on your leadership skills for the future and to secure your place in your team in the new 4IR workplace we find ourselves in. We need to keep up with constant change and new skills required to better perform no matter what position we hold.
During this programme we will introduce healthy thinking skills in challenging times and, will introduce and develop various thinking skills leaders need to lead their agile and resilient teams of the future.
In a recent article, Michael Hanly, the MD of New Leaf Technologies, said there are learnable skills that people can equip themselves for in the ‘new world’.

He goes further to say that people need to be retrained. Apart from keeping up with technology, managers need to be able to do the following:
• Critical thinking and problem-solving: are some of the most wanted skills for the future! Analysing information, identifying patterns and trends, and developing creative solutions to complex problems are a must these days.
• Leadership and Management: navigate complex business environments, motivate teams, and drive innovation.
• Creativity and Innovation: these are essential for companies looking to stay ahead of the curve.
• Emotional Intelligence (EQ): helping people at all levels communicate effectively, manage stress, and build strong relationships.
• Cultural competence: Understanding different cultural norms and values and being able to work effectively with people from different backgrounds is crucial in building strong future teams
• Communication skills: not only written and verbal communication, but also the ability to listen actively and work collaboratively with others.

Delegates will be able to:
• Perfectly lead cross-functional projects with integrity.
• Develop the self-awareness and emotional intelligence of an authentic leader.
• Be a more effective negotiator and an assertive decision-maker.
• Expand your leadership vision and address a personal leadership challenge.
• Effectively manage their teams, take on more responsibilities, and lead their teams.
• Understand what drives the culture and individual behaviours in an organisation.
• Achieve business objectives.
• Navigate teams through complex situations.
• Develop resilience and agile thinking and understand the unique contributions of the members of a team.
• Empower team members to thrive in an ever-changing, complex environment
• Encourage their teams to swiftly adapt to change.
• Learn what critical skills, critical thinking and decision-making skills are that are required for the future of work.
• Know why we need entrepreneurial thinking skills in the new place of work.
• Recognise the effect of artificial intelligence on humans and the future place of work.
• Create flexible and resilient environments that allow for dynamic, efficient decision-making and better time management for their team(s).
• Build on interpersonal relationships that are required to build successful teams.
• Understand the dynamics of teams and what situational leadership entails.
• Utilise their skills for better planning and execution of tasks or projects.
• Build trust and beneficial interactions with team members, clients, and associates.
• Ensure improved productivity, change, complexity, conflict, problem-solving, and emotional wellness in teams.
• Promote value-based decision-making skills.
• Understand the dynamics and flexibility of leadership.

This course is NQF-aligned and includes various unit standards.

• Middle Managers
• Office Managers
• Senior Supervisors
• Department Managers
• General Managers
• Branch Managers
• Plant Managers

Normal Course Fees: R15,500.00 (R17,825.00 incl. VAT) p/p for public course.
Early bird discount less 30% = R10,850.00 (R12,477.50 incl. VAT) p/p for this 5-day program for all new registrations received and paid for by 14 June 2024. T&Cs apply.

For in-house group bookings, a registration form, or any other enquiries: please e-mail Ronell at: or contact her at 067 317 9388 or send a WhatsApp message with your requirements.

Randburg, JHB: 21-25 Oct 2024
R12,477.50 Incl.

Fee: R15,500.00 (R17,825.00 incl. VAT) p/p

Early bird fee less 30%:R10,850.00 (R12,477.50 incl. VAT)

Offers valid until 14 June 2024. T&Cs apply.

Durbanville, CT: 18-22 Nov 2024
R12,477.50 incl

Fee: R15,500.00 (R17,825.00 incl. VAT) p/p

Early bird fee less 30%:R10,850.00 (R12,477.50 incl. VAT)

Offers valid until 14 June 2024. T&Cs apply.

Online: 29 Jul-2 Aug 2024
R12,477.50 incl

Fee: R15,500.00 (R17,825.00 incl. VAT) p/p

Early bird fee less 30%:R10,850.00 (R12,477.50 incl. VAT)

Offers valid until 14 June 2024. T&Cs apply.

The TELG Group T/a 4IR-Edu-Lead
Contact: Operations Manager Ronell Jordaan
Mobile: 067 317 9388 | E-mail:

Advanced Leadership for Middle Managers
Building inspired, agile, and resilient teams for excellence

5-Day programme
ONLINE workshop dates: 29 Jul - 2 Aug 2024
Public workshop dates:
* Randburg, JHB: 21-25 Oct 2024
* Durbanville, CT: 18-22 Nov 2024

In-house dates are available on request.


Building inspired, agile, and resilient teams for excellence

This interactive 5-day programme aims to help you understand and build on your leadership skills for the future and to secure your place in your team in the new 4IR workplace we find ourselves in. We need to keep up with constant change and new skills required to better perform no matter what position we hold.  We will look at various critical skills that people in the workplace need (managers and leaders included), to be better contributors to the success of agile and resilient teams in the workplace.

During this 5-day programme, you will learn the specific challenges that leaders and managers face. In a recent article, Michael Hanly, the MD of New Leaf Technologies, said there are learnable skills that people can equip themselves for in the ‘new world’. He goes further to say that people need to be retrained. Apart from keeping up with technology, managers need to be able to do the following:

·      Critical thinking and problem-solving: are some of the most wanted skills for the future! Analysing information, identifying patterns and trends, and developing creative solutions to complex problems are a must these days.
·      Leadership and Management: navigate complex business environments, motivate teams, and drive innovation.
·      Creativity and Innovation: these are essential for companies looking to stay ahead of the curve.
·      Emotional Intelligence (EQ): helping people at all levels communicate effectively, manage stress, and build strong relationships.
·      Cultural competence: Understanding different cultural norms and values and being able to work effectively with people from different backgrounds is crucial in building strong future teams
Communication skills: not only written and verbal communication, but also the ability to listen actively and work collaboratively with others.

Delegates will be able to:
·        Perfectly lead cross-functional projects with integrity.
·        Develop the self-awareness and emotional intelligence of an authentic leader.
·        Be a more effective negotiator and an assertive decision-maker.
·        Expand your leadership vision and address a personal leadership challenge.
·        Effectively manage their teams, take on more responsibilities, and lead their teams.
·        Understand what drives the culture and individual behaviours in an organisation.
·        Achieve business objectives.
·        Navigate teams through complex situations.
·        Develop resilience and agile thinking and understand the unique contributions of the members of a team.
·        Empower team members to thrive in an ever-changing, complex environment
·        Encourage their teams to swiftly adapt to change.
·        Learn what critical skills, critical thinking and decision-making skills are that are required for the future of work.
·        Know why we need entrepreneurial thinking skills in the new place of work.
·        Recognise the effect of artificial intelligence on humans and the future place of work.
·        Create flexible and resilient environments that allow for dynamic, efficient decision-making and better time management for their team(s).
·        Build on interpersonal relationships that are required to build successful teams.
·        Understand the dynamics of teams and what situational leadership entails.
·        Utilise their skills for better planning and execution of tasks or projects.
·        Build trust and beneficial interactions with team members, clients, and associates.
·        Ensure improved productivity, change, complexity, conflict, problem-solving, and emotional wellness in teams.
·        Promote value-based decision-making skills.
·        Understand the dynamics and flexibility of leadership.

This course is NQF-aligned and includes various unit standards.

·       Middle Managers
·       Senior Managers
·        Office Managers
·        Senior Supervisors
·        Department Managers
·        General Managers
·        Branch Managers
·        Plant Managers


MODULE 1: Overview: What Skills the Future Place of Work Needs
·        4IR Impact on our work - an overview
·        VUCA in the 4IR place of work
·        Important skills currently required for the workplace 2030 and beyond
·        Taking your skills to the next level - BE AGILE!

·        Define agility
·        Understanding business agility
·        Critical skills of the agile manager
·        Personality traits of the agile manager of the 4IR workplace
·        The Agile Manager/Leader vs Conventional leadership
·        3 Cs of agile leadership
·        9 Principles of agile leadership

Defining my role in my current position:
·        Integrity: Character traits leaders/managers need
·        How do I balance opposing interests and get my team to work together?
·        How do I work effectively across levels, functions, organisations, and geographic boundaries?
·        How do I manage the complexity of today’s workplace without being overwhelmed?

Critical Thinking and Critical Skills
·        Define critical thinking and critical skills
·        Critical Thinking as an important 21st Century skill
·        5 Steps in the Critical Thinking process

6 Strategies for Leading through Uncertainty
ü  Identify and grow the exclusive value each team member brings to the team.

MODULE 2: Behaviour of team members:

Active vs Passive behaviour
·        Defining passive behaviour
·        Root causes of passive behaviour
·        Work ethics and skills
·        Communication and listening skills
·        Productivity management
·        Reactive vs pro-active behaviour

MODULE 3: The Emotional Intelligent Leader of the Future

Emotional Intelligence: Learning to Lead Yourself First
·         Personality profiles - knowing my team members and how to build relationships within my team.

You need to focus on yourself first before you can effectively support others in your team. You need to have a solid personal foundation to handle whatever comes your way.
·          Which aspects of your job give you the greatest joy or cause you the most stress?
·          Which leadership competencies have you mastered, and which do you still need to work on?
·          Do you ask for feedback from your team so you can understand how your team sees you?
Emotional Intelligence Model & Empathy

Understand why emotional intelligence is considered a critical skill for the future workplace
·         Self-awareness
·         Self-regulation
·         Self-motivation
·         Social awareness
·         Managing relationships

Critical Thinking and Problem-solving

·         How behaviour and lack of emotional behaviour impact the team
·         Emotional impact (awareness, empathy, resilience/grit, impulse control, conflict handling)
·         Grow your critical thinking skills in more complex and challenging situations:
ü creative problem-solving
ü planning
ü forward-thinking
ü identifying risk
ü strategic thinking
ü being able to adapt
ü being flexible in your thinking process 

MODULE 4: Being Resilient - An Important Critical Skills for the Future Workplace

Business Resilience

  • Business resilience defined
  • Crises and disruptions expose wekanesses, unravelling the resilient from the unprepared
  • Agility vs Resilience
  • How to become resilient
  • Build flexibility that allows for dynamic, effective decision-making, increased productivity, and better time management within your team.
  • Focus on personal resilience to improve physical and mental well-being

Resilient Team Members need to focus on:

  • Defining resilience
  • Understanding personal resilience
  • My contribution and performance within my team
  • Being resilient in success and disappointment
  • Why comfort zones are dangerous places

The qualities of good teamwork

The 3 most important things needed for effective teamwork in the workplace

MODULE 5: Engaging Communication and Listening Skills

Learn to lead others through collaboration, and releasing the capability of each team member

As a leader in the middle of the organisation, you need to:
·        Be able to see, understand, and leverage all the complex components within the whole company.
·        Learning to lead within a system.
·        Understanding the many systems wherein you operate
·        Identify potential obstacles
·        Find opportunities 

Develop your skill at influencing others

Impact of Communication variations with other team members
·        Communication styles and the different generations
·        Special focus on Generation Z


Communication is more than words

  • Understand the magnitude of trust, respect, and value within your team
  • Appreciate your team members
  • Creates a desire to learn from others
  • Help us to understand how people think 
  • Make logical, purpose-driven adjustments to reach a goal
  • Team edification

Generational Impact on Communication

MODULE 6: Team Affiliation & Collaboration 

Different roles within a team

Functioning in a competitive team

Competitive situations force teams to practice:

  • Cultural competence within your team
  • Productivity, competitiveness, focussed teamwork,
  • Emotional awareness and support, empathy, and suitable behaviour to build bridges of respect and trust, show appreciation
  • Functioning in stressful/challenging situations, outside your comfort zone

How to grow my competitive skills within my team

MODULE 7: Business Success = Growth and Change

·        What about change makes people fear?
·        Why change is important

·        Different roles within a team
·        Introducing new ideas, plans or a team member into the team
·        Creative problem-solving

Ability to Lead within a System
·       Be able to see, understand, and leverage the complex components to get things done.
·        Understand how the systems work and how it fits into the bigger picture.
·        Be able to figure out how things really work - no assumptions!

MODULE 8: Build on Team Strengths and Weaknesses

Strengths and weaknesses
·         Capitalise on the team’s strengths and weaknesses
·         Your attitude toward accepting a new member into the team
·         Do you feel threatened by new team members when they join your team?
·         How does this influence your team’s performance?
§   Be socio-emotional aware
§   Build on the competitive and productive contribution of each team member
§   Be a creative, logical, and agile team member in your leadership and decision-making choices

MODULE 9: Manage Complexity and Building Winning Teams

Why teams?
·         Why operate in a team?
·         What is the purpose of a team?
·         What is the added value of the team?
·         What is the added value that I bring to my team?
·         Customer satisfaction should be your number one priority

MODULE 10: Work-life Balance
·         What is a good work-life balance?
·         Understanding the importance of work-life balance
·         Causes of poor work-life balance

How to Prevent Burnout
·        What does the term burnout mean?
·        5 Stages of burnout
·        Recognise the warning signs

NORMAL FEE: R15,500.00 (R17,825.00 incl. VAT) p/p for public course. 

Early bird discount less 30% = R10,850.00 (R12,477.50 incl. VAT) p/p for all new registrations received and paid by 14 June 2024. T&Cs apply.

Fees include:
·        Venue costs, all course material, and a certificate of attendance.
·        Accommodation costs are not included in the course fees.

Starting time: 08:30 for 09:00 - 16:30.

For in-house group bookings, a registration form, or any other enquiries, please e-mail Ronell at: or contact her at 067 317 9388 / or send a WhatsApp message with the relevant details.


    Event Name:
    Please confirm if your booking is for:
    Date Of The Event:
    Fee per delegate:
    Number of delegates:

    Fee includes Certificates of Completion, tea / coffee & refreshments; lunch and session material secured parking.
    Early Bird Fee:

    FEE, please ensure that your company will be able to make payment within the time frame given for the early bird fee to be paid for this event before you register, alternatively register for normal course fee.

    Organisation and Delegate Information:

    VAT No:
    Postal Address:
    Postal Code:
    Contact Person:
    Contact Number [Cell]:
    Contact Number [Landline]:
    Fax Number:
    Name and Surname


    Delegate(s) Email Address

    Delegate(s) Mobile Number
    Name and Surname


    Delegate(s) Email Address

    Delegate(s) Mobile Number
    Name and Surname


    Delegate(s) Email Address

    Delegate(s) Mobile Number
    Name and Surname


    Delegate(s) Email Address

    Delegate(s) Mobile Number
    Event Details